Due to post hurricane evacuation, of indefinite time, it may be awhile before I can resume my writing here. But I will try! Soon. You can email me at
killy braves the Storm |
ps my family, home, beach, cars etc are all fine. island is uninhabitable for now.....
thx to 2g&k for Killer's slicker photo!
May every diety that has ever been called watch over you.
Sending Maui magic and love your way.
It seems that Killer is just thankful that his rain cloak isn't pink.
Keep the faith. Everything is going to be OK.
Poor Killy -- I bet he'd "really" like some rain boots!! cute slicker.
Hope you are able to get home soon, and that there is no property damage.
Take care,
Wishing you all well, safe, and dry.
I wish I had words that didn't just sound like platitudes.
Sending warm, dry air, sunshine, and electricity.
Great to see that you are able to post and that everything is okay. Not great, but okay. Hope this new storm won't affect you much.
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