Plum fanfiction... What if Ranger really is a mercenary?

A covert operative, a clandestine agent or assassin for hire?

Where does he go, what does he do? For whom? and how much?

My name is lizzy.

On I write under the name sweetdreams-sunnymornings [sunny/ sunny d.],

Stories are posted in the page folder the tabs below.

[based on the characters of Janet Evanovich's Plum series. No infringement intended, written for fun, not profit.]


Saving Julie Part One

The first segment of Saving Julie is up, tab should be right above here....

It's the back story of Twelve Sharp [fanfic disclaimers etc apply!], events not covered in the book.

This story is AU to my Take a Chance plotline, and slightly AU to my  normal Mercenary Ranger world, where Julie knew Anthony all her life. Otherwise it mostly fits. I hope the discrepancies can be overlooked. (The lack of continuity, including to ongoing Shrink Wrapped is why it appears here, not on ff.) You'll enjoy both stories best if you don 't dwell on the contradictions. As Tim Whatshisname [Project Runway}says:"Make it work!".  enjoy...

And speaking of Shrink Wrapped! Killer was feeling left out! So....

(LOL! Thanks, Bonnie, sooo adorable!)

I hope you all enjoy Julie's story here...




FF Hates Me

Hi! A quick post here since won t post Ch three of Shrink Wrapped!

a/n Since you've all been so encouraging and left lots of reviews I am putting up Ch 3 tonight as a reward. I am also going to try hard to get the first third of "Saving Julie" up on my blog late tonight [7.20/21.12] . It will be a somewhat AU prequel to this story.
...Someone told me awhile ago that prologs and epilogs are a very big literary No-No in modern fiction! {But, uh, prequels are very cool, who knew? Wouldn't it be cool if JE did Ranger's prequel, like his military career!] Anyway, good thing I have intent to be, lol, literary! What can I tell you, everyone wanted to have their say....

Shrink Wrapped

Chapter Three - Stephanie's prolog

That night I sat in the ER, Joe on one side of me, Tank on the other, Lester just beyond. Julie sat snuggled on Tank’s lap, she seemed to know him and Lester and she showed no fear or shyness around them.
I sat and thought about Julie. It took my mind off worrying about Ranger. I replayed my moments with her in my head---
“You mean Ranger? I don’t know him real well.”
“This is my father! I am going with him!”
Small, competent hands moving lightening fast, grabbing the big black Glock 19, the experienced two-handed grip, the sure shot that killed Scrog. The calm, the resilience, the bravery. The unimaginable beauty. For a moment I was sidetracked, wondering if the girl’s exceptional looks had been a factor in her kidnapping. She said Scrog had not molested her, but still…the face, the hair, the miniature Ranger-ness.
I went on with my thoughts: Ranger saying,
“I am not emotionally attached to Julie, it doesn’t hurt that another man is her father, she is happy….”
Ranger does not lie to me, I had always believed that. But now I sat and I wondered.
An ER nurse and some woman from Child Protection Services came over to check on us, on Julie. I had expected them to immediately admit her into the pediatric wing, but Tank had stood firm, saying wait for her mother to arrive.
Now these people were suggesting that she and I clean up, get some food and drinks in us. Tank and I wordlessly decided okay and Tank sent Zero off to my sister’s house to get us clean clothes. Julie was older than Mary Alice but petite, I figured her sweats would fit. And so the long night dragged on.
I didn't get back to my half-formed ideas about Julie until a few days later when I sat by Ranger’s bed in the hospital. He had been moved from Intensive Care into a very nice VIP suite! Lots of people in and out---very confusing. Every guy from Rangeman. A general with a lot of stars on his shoulders. Spooks and politicians. The FBI. All his personal friends, and he has a LOT of friends.
It got so busy (and Ranger looked so exhausted) that the doctor put his foot down and said, No more partying! And so only Tank and I and Ranger’s youngest brother Anthony were allowed in the suite.
Ranger did not look happy. He should have---great drugs and a chance to get some much needed R & R. At least that’s what Tank told him. Ranger responded with stony silence and Tank smiled and left us alone.
I said, "You know, Ranger, I was thinking."
"Always dangerous, babe."
"Ha ha."
"Well this is sort of none of my business…," I began.
''Never stopped you before.''
''Ok, so what’s the deal with you and Julie? You said you hardly see her, don’t care about her, just---you know, a financial burden. And she said she didn’t really know you, calls you Ranger.''
"You trained her really well, Ranger. Even as scared as she must have been, only 10 years old, she never gave you up, she never let it slip that that was all just a fucking cover story!'' By the end of my short tirade I was, well not screaming, but, uh---loud.
Ranger raised an eyebrow.
''Yeah, she’s good. She shot that Glock like a pro, everything you taught her, the grip, the stance, the aim. But that night when we saw you in the ICU, she made one tiny mistake.''
She hugged you and said, I love you, daddy. And you said, I love you too, chica. I was right there,  heard you both. I saw your faces, I know you love her, she loves you. You are not just some name on a check to that child, you are her daddy.''
Ranger thought, Babe, of course I love my baby, my daughter. What did you think? Do you really think I am so cold, so heartless, that I don’t care for her? I suppose you don’t think I love you either….
He stifled a sigh.
''And you know what, Ranger? She never cried, she said, I had a job to do and I did it. She didn’t learn that from Rachel and Ron!''
''Do they even know?''
''Sure.'' Sort of….
''Why did you lie to me, Ranger? I felt so awful for you, here you are, the father of this exceptional---and need I mention absolutely gorgeous---child, a child you should be able to love, to care for, to enjoy. To be so very very proud of, but no—you told me you don’t give a shit about Julie. I felt so sad. My heart broke for you.
Ranger finally decided to say something. To explain, just a little. Must have been the pain drugs.
He said, ''I promised myself and Julie, we had a  deal---a pact, then, if that's a better word. We’d have our special time together, I’d be her daddy, but it was our secret. To protect her.''
''Not that it did.''
''No,'' he agreed calmly.
I sighed, looking at the familiar blank face. Ranger was so handsome that he looked great even in a hospital bed, stone-faced and angry. I studied his familiar features, the Latino eyes, the satiny brown skin, the straight nose, the wide generous mouth. The long eyelashes that curved on his high cheekbones now as he closed his eyes, retreating into his fatigue and pain and aloneness.
Julie’s daddy. He lied to me to protect his child, and to stand by his promise to her, her promise to him. She would never betray him---he could not betray her, not even to me. I couldn’t hate him for that or hold it against him. It hurt but I understood.
I remembered that night at Scrog’s apartment, when Ranger saw the pictures of Julie. He had been upset. I knew even though he tried to hide his distress. I thought it was because he was angry that a stalker had got close enough to photograph her. And I thought he was surprised and dismayed to see her in a photo, to see and realize how much Julie looked like himself. There was no possible way to deny  that Julie is his child, she looks exactly like him, all the more amazing since she is a tiny doll-like female child and he is a big tough very masculine guy. Sometimes I think that Ranger doesn’t really know what he looks like, how he appears from the outside. He always seems unaware of his beauty, he never uses it or trades on it. And so I had thought that Julie’s looks caught him by surprise.
Now I thought that he was just stunned and terrified for his beloved child. A child who obviously meant the world to him. A child that he would die for, a child who would kill for him. My life for yours, no price, not ever. The promise.
Finally Ranger said, ''I regret that I lied to you, Stephanie. But I won’t apologize for keeping my promise to Julie.''
After quite a long silence I said, ''Julie is intelligent and brave and resilient. She is exactly like you. It will take more than a vow of secrecy to hide her.''
The door opened and a nurse stuck her head in, saying, ''Visiting hours have been over for at least 15 minutes. The patient needs his rest.''
Ranger stared at her. I rolled my eyes. And she scuttled out.
I leaned over and kissed Ranger’s cheek. He turned his head at the last minute and our mouths brushed. Despite the quiet friendliness of the almost kiss, my blood rushed hot with sudden desire. Ranger’s good hand brushed my cheek and we stared into each other’s eyes.
I said, ''It’s okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.''
I  moved away and walked to the door. Just before I left I said silently, I love you, Ranger. Be happy. Please.
Ranger watched her leave and thought, I love you, too, babe. Be safe.
And the tears that were held back so firmly through the long ordeal slowly fell down and were gone.

tbc, in Miami!

Thank you very much for all your reviews!  love, sunny